Sunday, July 8, 2012

To make tough guys tougher

Homme alustan 11-kuulist kaitseväeteenistust Kuperjanovis.
wtf tõesti:)...."kaitsevägi teeb poisist mehe.."..äärmiselt võimas statement muidugi....Keegi mul tuttav tõstatas kunagi küsimuse, et kui kaitsevägi teeb poisist mehe, mis siis tüdrukust naise teeb?..või nemad saavad kuidagi lihtsalt iseenesest:D?
Ühest küljest võib kogu see kogemus täitsa norm ja kasulik olla..kuid samas liigun ma hoopis teises suunas kui vaadata karjääri poolt..sest kaitseväes tehtu ei kajastu reaalselt mitte kuidagi minu CV-s ega anna minule erialast töökogemust juurde.
Strateegia on paigas...muudan taktikaid. Kohandan oma plaane vastavalt oludele ja võimalustele. 
Maybe it is a big change to feast the beast...maybe even to get rid of it. yea..I have made peace with myself, but i feel that the beast is somewhere near...just waiting and rise and fight again.
When i guide the beast, it can be a major impact to me..and as positive impact.
Is there anybody who could handle that?..loomulikult on:)
Know that..I will always fight until I can...I rather fall fighting than being peace by just doing nothing..

"Man has always been drawn to the sea, but it's an unnatural setting for us, a place of great danger. Tides, currents, waves, wind each presenting their own hazards, none of which can be ignored. The slightest lapse of judgment can be a mistake you might never recover from. But a good sailor doesn't fight against these elements. A good sailor works with them, using them to his advantage. While others less fortunate might be forever cast adrift often in several pieces. He always comes home safely." - Dexter Morgan

Band of horses - The funeral